About the club
The Toyota LandCruiser Club of Qld is based in Brisbane and one of the largest clubs in Qld. While Toyota's are the predominant vehicle, TLCCQLD accepts membership from owners of ALL makes of traditional 4WD vehicles. The club was established in 1972 with over 200 family memberships which translates to a membership of 400+ recognising partners and children.
Improving driver skills is an important aim of our Club and we offer a range of competency-based driver training. Attendance at a New Members Day is a mandatory prerequisite for participation in most club trips and training. The New Members Day assumes zero 4WD knowledge with guidance available to complete the Emergency Hill Stall procedure which is a basic safety procedure. However, even experienced 4WD operators are required to attend to demonstrate their Hill Stall competency and they will probably learn something new or teach us something new as well.

TLCCQLD runs events and/or trips and/or education on most weekends of the year. There can be two or even three trips running at the same time offering a huge variety of activities for varied interests.
Monthly meetings are held on the last Monday of the month (unless this falls on a Public Holiday, then the meeting is on the Tuesday) in the Auditorium of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha Road at 7.00 for 7.30pm. Business housekeeping is done by a Management Committee so the meeting is devoted to trip reports, promotion of future trips and training as well as guest speakers. Electronic media is used to support the presentations to keep the meeting short allowing extra time for socialisation over supper. Visitors are welcome.
Meeting Dates for 2025 are:
January - Tuesday the 28th
February - Monday the 24th
March - Monday the 31st
April - Monday the 28th
May - Monday the 26th
June - Monday the 30th
July - Monday the 28th
August - Monday the 25th - AGM
September - Monday the 29th
October - Monday the 27th
November - Monday the 24th
December - TBA
Keeping in touch;
Meetings are a great way to get information and to socialise. To enhance communications there is a fortnightly Newsletter emailed to members and partners.
TLCCQLD also has a public Facebook page Toyota Landcruiser Club of Qld-Inc and a Members Only Facebook group “4x4 Crusin TLCCQLD Members” Make sure you Like us

TLCCQLD runs an extensive range of trips from popular day trips to weekend trips at varied locations and some intra and interstate trips of much longer duration. There are great social opportunities to share information about vehicles, modifications, and accessories as well as the huge range of camping gear on the market from swags and tents, cooking gear, fridges, vehicle camping outfits through to trailers and caravans.
All trips are graded from Easy through to Very Difficult. Travelling with others is an awesome experience and you can use the experience of others to safely undertake trips which would otherwise test your knowledge and skills. If all does not go to plan, the combined knowledge of the group is there to help. Children and pets are generally most welcome depending to the type of trip.
All trips are advertised on the web (Trip lists- here) so you can plan your weekends and even annual holidays well in advance.
Trip suggestions are always welcome. The club supports members who are willing to lead trips with mentoring and training.

New Members Day is your introduction to the Club, meeting experienced members and joining with other newcomers. We will impart some knowledge and share some practical experiences to give you extra confidence to safely undertake 4WDing.
Moving on, our Basic and Advanced Driver Training courses are very highly regarded and rated (by participants) as enjoyable and a great learning experience. There are other education courses offered, for example, sand driving. (Driver Training - here)

Social events are varied and limited by members’ imagination. Popular events like Christmas Party and Annual Awards occur annually as well as Go-Karting, Trivia nights, social bowls and the bi-annual Funkhana; usually social camping with vehicle-based games, for example darts and balance ball.
Social Events – here

Members book all trips via the web. On becoming a member, you will have access to full information about all 4WD Trips, New Members Day, 4WD Training and Social Events. (Trip Bookings - here). There is usually a PowerPoint presentation to be shared with the family and it will contain contacts for the Trip Leader should you wish to make a query or a trip booking.
Trip Costs. Most trips are free although, in a few cases, there may be cost recovery for catering, property and park access, beach access etc paid to TLCCQLD or third parties such as Government Departments
Joining is easy. Just complete the online membership application. Membership Form - here Annual Fees are scheduled on a standard financial year with pro-rata rates applicable. However, if you join after 1 April, you will be financial for the next 15 months to 30 June the following year. No joining fee and fifteen months membership for the annual fee.
Membership queries; just use the Contact Us – Membership tab (Contact Membership -here)
The TLCCQLD has a Management Committee, made up of our own members who volunteer their time to provide service to the Club. They are there to keep the administration aspects of the club functioning and to represent the club on behalf of its members at various larger functions and gatherings.
The Management Committee is voted in at the TLCCQLD August Annual General Meeting. The four main positions on the Management Committee are the:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary &
- Treasurer.
These four positions are supported by the Group Coordinators which include the:
- Membership Services Group
- Activities Group
- Education Group
- Marketing Group
- Environment Group &
- Other Organisations Group (Club Liaison)
Within each of these Club groups their are a number of Support Roles which include:
- Driver Training Coordinator
- New Members Day Coordinator
- Merchandise Coordinator
- Newsletter Editor
- Webmaster
- Social Media Coordinator
- Mapping Coordinator
- Club Awards Coordinator
Being involved in the management of the club is a great way to meet other Club Members, contribute to the running of the club & make lifelong friends along the way.
To contact a Management Committee Member, please use the dropdown box on the Contact Us Form